Latinos are Concentrated in Low Wage Industries

July 1, 2014

The following set of figures reveal the representation of Latinos in various industries across the Intermountain West region.

Latino Representation in High and Low Paying Jobs in Nevada
The following figures show the top five industries in each state in the region where Latinos are over-and under-represented. They present the average wage for each of these industries compared to the average wage across all industries. For this analysis, Latinos are considered over-represented if the percentage of Latino workers in the industry exceeds the statewide average of Latino workers in all industries. Likewise, Latinos are considered to be under-represented if the percentage of Latino workers in the industry is less than the statewide average.In 2012, Latinos represented 22.5 percent of all workers in Nevada and the average annual wage across all sectors in 2013 was $41,930. Latinos in Nevada are overrepresented in industries that typically pay less than the average wage or slightly higher than the average wage, such as accommodation and food service, and manufacturing. In contrast, Latinos are under-represented in high paying industries such as utilities, professional services, and management of companies.In 2012, the highest concentration of the Latino workforce was in the accommodation and food service industry at 38 percent. This industry had an average wage that was $14,000 below the average wage for all industries (as of 2013). At $41,930, Nevada’s average wage was the third lowest in the Intermountain West region.
Latino Representation in High and Low Paying Jobs in Arizona
In Arizona, Latinos represented 25.5 percent of all workers in 2012 and the average annual wage across all sectors in 2013 was $43,950, substantially higher than the average annual wage in Nevada. Latinos in Arizona are overrepresented in industries that pay significantly less than the average wage or slightly higher than the average wage, such as agriculture, administration and support, and accommodation and food service. In contrast, Latinos are under-represented in high paying industries such as utilities, professional services and management of companies.
Latino Representation in High and Low Paying Jobs in California
In California, Latinos represented 30.7 percent of all workers in 2012 and the average annual wage across all sectors in 2013 was $52,530, significantly higher than the average annual wage in Nevada. Latinos in California are overrepresented in industries that typically pay significantly less than the average wage or slightly higher than the average wage, such as agriculture, administration and support, and accommodation and food service. In contrast, Latinos are under-represented in high paying industries such as utilities, information technology, finance and insurance, professional services, and education services.
Latino Representation in High and Low Paying Jobs in Colorado
In Colorado, Latinos represented 15.6 percent of all workers in 2012 and the average annual wage across all sectors in 2013 was $48,110, significantly higher than the average annual wage in Nevada. Latinos in Colorado are overrepresented in industries that typically pay significantly less than the average wage, such as agriculture, administration and support, and accommodation and food service. In contrast, Latinos are under-represented in high paying industries such as information technology, finance and insurance, and professional services.
Latino Representation in High and Low Paying Jobs in New Mexico
In New Mexico, Latinos represented 43.3 percent of all workers in 2012 and the average annual wage across all sectors in 2013 was $41,400, which is similar to the average annual wage in Nevada. While Latinos in New Mexico are overrepresented in industries that typically pay slightly more than the average wage, such as transportation, and health, they are also overrepresented in industries that pay significantly less than the average wage, such as agriculture and food service. In contrast, Latinos are under-represented in high paying industries such as utilities, information technology, and professional services.
Latino Representation in High and Low Paying Jobs in Texas
In Texas, Latinos represented 30.3 percent of all workers in 2012 and the average annual wage across all sectors in 2013 was $43,620, substantially higher than the average annual wage in Nevada. Latinos in Texas are overrepresented in industries that typically pay significantly less than the average wage, such as agriculture, retail, transport, and food service. In contrast, Latinos are under-represented in high paying industries such as utilities, information technology, finance and insurance, professional services, and management of companies.
Latino Representation in High and Low Paying Jobs in Utah
In Utah, Latinos represented 10 percent of all workers in 2012 and the average annual wage across all sectors in 2013 was $41,840, which is similar to the average annual wage in Nevada. Latinos in Utah are overrepresented in industries that typically pay significantly less than the average wage, such as agriculture, administration and support, and accommodation and food service. In contrast, Latinos are under-represented in high paying industries such as utilities, information technology, and professional services.