Integrated Employment Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities in Nevada: An Assessment
Despite reports, initiatives, and new policies enacted in Nevada in recent years, data reveal that integrated employment opportunities for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) remain limited. Nevada lags most other states in the extent to which individuals with intellectual disabilities participate in integrated employment. States support individuals with intellectual disabilities in four settings: integrated employment, community-based non-work, facility-based work, and facility-based non-work. Over the period 2008-2018, the percentage of individuals with I/DD receiving integrated employment services fell from 20 percent to 17 percent. Facility-based services – both work and non-work – account for more than 80 percent of services rendered to individuals with intellectual disabilities and 90 percent of total funding. Given that Nevada’s stakeholders have identified competitive, integrated employment as a goal and have embraced Employment First as a guiding principle, why have integrated employment outcomes declined? This report seeks to answer that question.
In a follow on project, the Guinn Center hosted focus groups, working groups, and webinars. We also include a guide (English and Spanish) for young adults and adults with different abilities seeking employment. We provide another guide for employers seeking to make their workplace more inclusive. The guides are a summary of the information presented during the focus groups and in the Powerpoint slide deck (below).
Guinn Center Integrated Employment Professionals 2022
Guinn Center Integrated Employment Employers 2022
GC Transition Handout for Youth