Health Impact of Full-Day Kindergarten

May 1, 2015

In collaboration with other organizations, the Guinn Center contributed to a recent study examining the potential impact of full-day kindergarten on health outcomes: Full-Day Kindergarten in Nevada: A Health Impact Assessment (HIA). The purpose of the HIA study is to inform the Nevada Legislature as it considers expanding full-day kindergarten. This policy brief links the research and recommendations of the HIA study to legislation pending before the 2015 Nevada Legislature. (May 2015)

Related Legislation includes:

  • The Governor’s proposed budget to expand full-day kindergarten
  • SB 508, which funds kindergarten students at the same rate as other students beginning in FY 2018
  • SB 503, which implements the Breakfast after the Bell program
  • AB 206, which expands notification to parents of health issues identified during screening to include a list of any resources available in the community to provide appropriate medical attention
  • SB 405, which removes the sunset on requiring Clark and Washoe School Districts to conduct a sample of height and weight for students in 4th, 7th, and 10th grades.