IndyFest 2024
Our Director of Economic and Fiscal Policy, Meredith Levine, is scheduled to speak at The Nevada Independent's upcoming annual event, IndyFest, on October 17, 2024. Levine will share preliminary findings from the Guinn Center's forthcoming housing study and participate in a panel discussion.

The Nevada Independent
The Nevada Independent is a statewide, reader-supported, digital-only nonprofit newsroom committed to illuminating the state’s most pressing issues, fostering insightful conversations and holding those in power to account.
About This Event
The Nevada Independent announces it's fifth annual conference, to include discussions on education, housing, 2024 election and much more.
This year's event will be held at the Durango Casino and Resort on Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18.
Actor, entrepreneur and Las Vegas resident Mark Wahlberg will be the headliner on the evening of October 17. Join Wahlberg as he talks with Indy CEO/Editor Jon Ralston about his efforts to make Vegas a film industry hub and persuade state lawmakers about film tax credits.
Click here for the detailed IndyFest agenda and mark your calendars. (Times and speakers are subject to change.)
Tickets are required to attend and can be purchased at: https://one.bidpal.net/indyfest2024. Both in-person and virtual attendance options are available. All tickets must be reserved in the name of the guest and all in-person guests must present ID at check-in.