First Look: The Guinn Center's Report on Early Childhood Governance in Nevada
Join us on Zoom for a first look at the project with Dr. Anna Colquitt, the Guinn Center’s Director of Education Policy, on Wednesday, October 16.

Kenny Guinn Center for Policy Priorities
About This Event
Nevada’s Early Childhood Systems (ECS) are complex, with 18 early childhood-specific programs and 45 other entities offering services across different populations. Not only do these programs span 26 chapters of Nevada law but they also draw from 40 different state budget accounts. This fragmentation presents challenges for both state officials and parents trying to navigate the complexity.
This October, the Guinn Center is publishing a study to offer an in-depth analysis of the Early Childhood landscape with policy recommendations to help turn a crowded governance space into a coordinated one.
Join us on Zoom for a first look at the project with Dr. Anna Colquitt, the Guinn Center’s Director of Education Policy, on Wednesday, October 16 from 10-11 a.m.