Nevada Ranks Near Last for Well-Being of Women

March 23, 2016

While substantial progress has occurred in the U.S. on women’s issues in recent years, some states are doing better than others – and according to one new study, Nevada is doing worst of all in a number of areas. WalletHub recently compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 15 key metrics related to the socio-economic well-being of women, as well as their health care and safety.

Nevada was ranked 49th for the economic and social well-being of women, 51st for health care and safety, and 49th overall. Compare that with the rankings of Nevada’s neighbors in the Mountain West:

New Mexico – 45th

Arizona – 36th

Wyoming – 32nd

Idaho – 30th

Utah – 25th

Colorado – 21st

Here’s how Nevada ranked in key areas that contributed to the low overall ranking:

34th — High school dropout rate for women

50th — Unemployment rate for women

29th — Median earnings for females (cost of living-adjusted)

27th — Percentage of women living in poverty

50th — Female uninsured rate

48th — Women’s preventive health care

34th — Women’s life expectancy at birth

43rd — Female homicide rate

Click through to the WalletHub study to see their study methodology.


In terms of policies that begin address these issues, Nevada has recently seen some progress. In 2013, the Nevada Legislature passed AB 284, a measure making it easier for women to flee domestic violence. In 2015, SB 175 sought, among other things, to make it more difficult for convicted domestic abusers to obtain firearms. New state-level investments in pre-K, literacy, and English as a Second Language programs look to increase student success, which will naturally include Nevada’s girls and young women in the years to come.

Still, it’s clear that much work remains. High-quality employment opportunities would close earnings gaps and reduce poverty while also addressing the top barrier for women seeking healthcare:  affordability.

One opportunity lies in the targeted recruitment of women for education and careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields. Testing and expanding initiatives to bring women into STEM jobs could cut Nevada’s gender pay gap and harness an underutilized workforce to meet the demands of tomorrow’s economy.

Additionally, the Nevada Women’s Business Center and/or similar organizations, such as Accion International, could seek to expand their micro-lending and business development programs, build robust public-private partnerships, and perhaps even launch a Women’s Small Business Accelerator similar to an Ohio pilot project.

In combination, these efforts would make Nevada an example of a community that empowers women to reach their full potential.

Tags: dropout rate earnings health homicide Nevada poverty safety unemployment rate uninsured women