Guinn Center Legislative Update: Week of June 1, 2015

June 4, 2015

The 78th Session of the Nevada Legislature adjourned “sine die” shortly following the midnight deadline on June 1 after which no further legislative measures could be acted upon. Sine die literally means “without a day” and signifies the end of the legislative session since it does not set a time for reconvening.


At the end of the regular session, 498 Assembly bills and 515 Senate bills had been introduced. Of the total 1,013 bills introduced in the Legislature, 433 were committee introductions that essentially are controlled by the majority party in each House, and 580 were introduced by individual Legislators.

The bills introduced by Legislators may be co-sponsored by other lawmakers. An indicator of bipartisanship is the number of bills that attract co-sponsors from the other party. Among the total 580 legislator bills, 126 (21.7 percent) were bipartisan in that they included one or more co-sponsors from the opposite party. Among the 295 Senate bills in that category, 55 (18.6 percent) were bipartisan.  Among the similar 285 Assembly bills, there were 71 (24.9 percent) that featured bipartisan support.

Abbreviations Guide

Committee Hearings and Actions (Seventeenth Week)

On Monday, May 25

AWM heard AB147 which restores to $20 million the amount of transferable tax credits available for film, television or other media productions. Economic impact statistics for 2015 were presented along with other supporting documentation in the meeting exhibits. The policy bill on this issue, SB94(R1), already passed and was signed into law. On Monday, June 1, AWM amended and approved AB147 to reduce the amount to $15 million. The bill was approved in the Assembly but failed to pass the Senate before the end of session deadline.

SFIN amended and approved SB502(R1) which is the budget implementation measure for Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to modernize its information technology platform and authorize the $1 technology fee on paid transactions. The amendment increases the Department’s cap on administrative expenses from 22 to 27 percent to accommodate the work. The fee and increase in the administrative cap sunset on June 30, 2020. The bill was passed by both Houses.

SFIN considered and approved SB133(R1), which creates the Teachers’ School Supplies Reimbursement Account. This Account would be used to reimburse teachers up to $250 for out-of-pocket expenses for certain school supplies. The bill includes an annual appropriation of $2.5 million. Since there are 24,600 teachers statewide, the cost to fully implement the program would be approximately $6.15 million. The measure includes a provision that allows funds from unclaimed property to be donated to the Account. Both Houses passed by the bill.

In work session, SFIN amended and approved SB508, which provides for the long-term modernization of the Nevada Plan for K-12 Finance. The amendment: (1) changes the focus from modernizing the Nevada Plan to providing additional resources to the Nevada Plan; (2) provides a mechanism for the Legislative Committee on Education to provide input on factors used to calculate the basic support guarantee; (3) requires the Department of Education to develop a plan for a weighted pupil formula by October 1, 2016, that includes weights for English Language Learners, at-risk pupils, special education students, and gifted and talented students, considering the recommendations of the Task Force on K-12 Public Education Funding from  the 2013-2014 interim; and (4) requires that the plan be fully implemented by FY 2022. SB508 passed the Senate on Wednesday. On Friday, May 29, AWM heard the bill and the Gunn Center provided testimony based on our report: Nevada K-12 Education Finance. This measure passed the Assembly on Monday, June 1.

AED heard SB338(R1), which creates the Safe to Tell program. This program creates a mechanism to anonymously report violent or unlawful activities or threats of violence on school property and at school events. The Committee amended the bill on Tuesday (May 26) to create reporting requirements and require a member of the Safe to Tell advisory committee to be a licensed teacher. The bill passed both Houses. The Committee also heard SB414(R1), which encourages the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to enter into a reciprocal agreement with the State of California to authorize waivers of nonresident tuition to certain residents of the Lake Tahoe Basin. The Committee approved this bill on Tuesday (May 26), and it was passed by the Assembly on Friday (May 29). In work session, AED approved SB332(R1), which makes a $1 million annual appropriation to the Clark County School District to carry out a program of peer assistance and review of teachers. This measure passed the Assembly on Monday, June 1.

SLOE, in work session, approved AB242(R1) that directs the Legislative Commission to appoint a subcommittee to conduct a study of postacute care in Nevada. The Senate passed this bill later in the day and it was signed into law. SLOE also amended and approved SB269 to establish an interim study committee to research issues regarding the behavioral health and cognitive care of older persons. The amendment adds a nonprofit community caregiver agency and the Administrator of the Aging and Disabilities Services Division with whom the study committee should consult (see page 3 of the work session document). SB269(R1) passed the Senate on Wednesday and was heard by ALOE on Friday (May 29), but failed to pass the Assembly.

AWM/SFIN, meeting jointly, heard the amendment to AB464 which is the Governor’s compromise Nevada Revenue Plan to help finance the proposed Executive Budget. Exhibitshere. There was substantial testimony in support and opposition from the State’s major businesses and industries. The Guinn Center testified in support of the proposed amendment based on our reports: Comparison of 2015 Nevada Tax Proposals and The Business License Fee: What We Still Don’t Know- Questions for Legislators. To understand how the various tax proposals affect different types of businesses, see our user-friendly infographic. More information is available in our detailed spreadsheets.

ACL, in work session, amended and approved SB374(R2) relating to energy and the net metering issue. Among other things, the amendment sets a cumulative capacity limit of 235 megawatts and includes provisions concerning tariff determinations by the Public Utilities Commission. An explanation of the bill and amendment is provided in the work session document. The bill was passed by both Houses.

On Tuesday, May 26

SFIN heard two bills seeking to maximize Federal assistance in Nevada. SB213(R1) creates a database on Federal grant activity in Nevada. The Guinn Center testified in support of this measure and requested that the fiscal note be removed since the Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination, and Management already maintains a list of Federal grants and can build on this list to create a database using existing resources. SB214(R1) creates the Nevada Advisory Council on Federal Assistance to assist and advise Nevada on how to identify and successfully apply for Federal grants, programs, and funds. The Guinn Center testified in support of this measure. Both of these bills were approved by SFIN in work session on Friday, and passed by the Senate on Saturday (May 30).AWM heard, amended, and approved these bills on June 1. The Senate approved SB14, but failed to take action to concur in the Assembly amendment to SB213 before midnight on June 1.

In work session, SFIN approved SB128(R1), which increases the minimum credit load for Millennium Scholarship recipients at community colleges from 6 to 9 units, and increases the maximum credit load for funding purposes from 12 to 15 credits for all institution types.  With these changes, the Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund would need an infusion during the 2017 Legislature. This bill would also increase weighted student credit hours and would increase the amount of General Fund revenue needed under the NSHE funding formula by $8.7 million per year. The Senate approved the bill on Wednesday (May 27) and the Assembly approved the bill on Saturday (May 30). SFIN also amended and approved SB506, which is the “sweeps” bill that transfers various reserve funds from certain agencies to help shore up the current General Fund shortfall. The bill was passed by both Houses.

AWM considered an amended version of AB182(R1) relating to local government collective bargaining. Among other things, the new measure allows employees to resign from a union organization at any time, prohibits the use of taxpayer dollars for union activities, excludes high level management positions, and addresses certain considerations during a local government fiscal emergency. There was some support and substantial opposition to the bill, and it failed to come out of committee. AWM considered a proposed amendment to AB 412(R1), which makes changes to property taxes. The amendment: (1) deletes previous provisions that would have allowed school districts and counties to increase property taxes; (2) clarifies that reductions in taxable value made by the Board of Equalization are applicable for one-year only; (3) changes the way commercial property taxes are calculated so that the minimum annual tax increase is 6 percent; (4) exempts certain increases in property value from the property tax abatements for commercial and residential property; and (5) exempts new voter-approved tax increases from the property tax abatements for commercial and residential property. Clark County presented a friendly amendment to exclude redevelopment agencies from the abatements. This bill was not reported out of AWM. The Committee also considered a proposed preamble and amendment to AB218(R1), which addresses school safety. To remove the fiscal note, the amendment utilizes existing school staff for certain duties and provides flexibility to contract with mental health workers. The bill passed the Assembly but died in SREV.

AED considered SB227(R2), a bipartisan bill to create the Silver State Opportunity Grant Program. This program establishes a shared responsibility model to provide need-based grants to help pay education costs to eligible students who are enrolled in Nevada’s community and state colleges. Documentation included an NSHE letter of support from college presidents, an explanation of the Shared Responsibility Model for State-Supported Financial Aid, and a study report from the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). The Guinn Center previously testified in support of this bill based on our report: State of Latinos in the Intermountain West. The Appropriations Act, SB 514, includes $2.5 million annually for this program. The Assembly passed this bill on Sunday (May 31) and sent the bill to the Governor.

SED heard AB234(R2), which requires the social studies content standards to include multicultural education and requires certain licensed teachers to complete a course in multicultural education for renewal of their license. The Committee approved this bill on Thursday (May 28) and the Senate passed it on Friday (May 29). The Committee also considered AB448(R2), which creates a process for converting low-performing schools to charter schools. These schools would become part of an Achievement School District. The Guinn Center testified on the bill based on our report Examining Nevada’s Education Priorities: Which Initiatives are Worth the Investment? The Committee approved this bill on Friday (May 29), and it was passed by the Senate on Saturday (May 30).

SFIN amended and approved SB302(R1), which creates Education Savings Accounts. Families would receive a grant equal to 90-100 percent of per-pupil education funding and would be required to use funds to attend private schools or obtain other educational services. The amendment: (1) limits where funds can be deposited: (2) specifies that the amount of the grant would be based on the statewide average of basic support per pupil instead of the funding rate of the county where the pupil resides; (3) terminates the account once the child graduates from high school and does not allow funds to be used for higher education; (4) allows charter school students to participate in the program; and (5) clarifies that the effective date is January 1, 2016. The bill was passed by both Houses.

ATAX considered SB103(R1) to exempt certain insurance agents from the modified business tax on financial institutions. The Committee also heard SB483(R1) which makes permanent the “sunset” taxes, increases the cigarette tax, and includes other tax law changes to help fund the Governor’s proposed budget with an estimated total of $996 million. Much of the testimony in favor and opposition focused on the cigarette tax portion of the bill. (Note: This measure became the final tax reform bill—see below.) Finally, ATAX considered SB507 concerning transferable tax credits for new or expanding businesses in the State and revising provisions relating to the Catalyst Fund for economic development. All three of these measures were approved in work session on Thursday. SB103 and SB 507 passed the Assembly on Saturday (May 30).

On Wednesday, May 27

The Senate Committee of the Whole considered and approved SB511, which aims to address Nevada’s teacher shortage over the short and long term. The bill creates the Teach Nevada Scholarship program, which provides up to $3,000 per semester for students studying to be teachers at institutions of higher education and alternative route to licensure programs. Students would receive 75 percent of the scholarship while in school and would receive the final 25 percent if they graduate and teach in Nevada for five years. The bill also increases base pay for two years by up to $5,000 for new teachers who teach at a Title I school or a school rated as one or two stars under the Nevada School Performance Framework. The bill was passed by both Houses.

AWM, in work session, amended and approved AB399, which creates a pilot program for the next biennium called the NV Grow Program. This program focuses on the growth of existing businesses in the State through the use of information and technology. It passed both Houses.

AED heard SB509(R2), which is a comprehensive bill implementing best practices for charter schools. The bill sponsor presented a proposed amendment with technical changes. The bill: (1) makes changes to the governance and staff structure of the State Public Charter School Authority (SPCSA); (2) exempts certain charter school teachers from licensing and instead requires them to be highly qualified as required under Federal law; (3) authorizes the SPCSA to adopt regulations and to enter into agreements with school districts and higher education institutions related to charter school sponsorship; (4) revises the charter school application process and authorizes an application to be submitted by a nonprofit charter management organization; and (5) revises what actions must be taken when a charter school persistently underperforms. The Committee amended and approved this bill on Thursday. The bill was passed by both Houses.

On Thursday, May 28

AWM considered and approved SB491(R1), which creates the Harbor Master Fund to recruit charter schools to Nevada. The budgets closed by the money committees include an appropriation of $5 million per year, and the bill requires a private match of $5 million per year. This bill passed the Assembly on Saturday. The committee also approved AB481(R1) relating to deceptive trade practices that creates for the next biennium the Consumer Affairs Division in the Department of Business and Industry. The bill passed both Houses.

SED amended and approved SB92, which aims to address the quality of teachers at underperforming schools. The bill: (1) establishes procedures for designating and managing underperforming schools; (2) revises provisions regarding transfers of teachers to other schools; (3) creates financial incentives for employees working in underperforming schools; and (4) requires that reduction in force decisions be based first on employee performance instead of seniority. Both Houses passed the bill.

SREV heard and approved AB161(R1) relating to the partial abatement of certain taxes for aircraft businesses. The Senate passed the bill on Friday. The committee also reviewed a proposed new amendment to SB266 which revises provisions pertaining to the live entertainment tax (LET) that reflected discussions to broaden the base, reduce the complexity, clarify the language and establish a nine percent admissions fee basis for the LET. This bill was approved by the Senate on Sunday, and it was amended and passed by the Assembly with Senate concurrence on Monday, June 1.

ALOE, in work session, approved SB360(R1) to require the Legislative Committee on Energy to conduct an interim study concerning energy efficiency programs and the financing of clean energy in this State. The Assembly passed this bill on Saturday.

ATAX heard SB412 to provide a credit against taxes imposed on certain employers that make a contribution to certain college savings plans. The Assembly passed the bill on Monday. ATAX also considered SJR13(R1) to amend the Nevada Constitution to limit to one percent the total amount of property taxes that may be levied on real property and base the tax on market values. The proposed constitutional amendment generated significant discussion about possible effects and the need for implementing language to be in place if it is adopted in the next session and approved by the voters in the 2018 election. The Assembly amended the limit to 1.25 percent and passed the resolution, which was concurred in by the Senate.

AWM approved the amendment to AB464 which is the Governor’s compromise Nevada Revenue Plan to help finance the proposed Executive Budget. (See Assembly Committee of the Whole on Saturday below for further actions.) AWM also rescinded its previous action, and amended and approved AB485 that revises the duties and structure of the Office of Science, Innovation and Technology in the Office of the Governor. The action was required due to a staff error on a previous amendment. The bill was passed by both Houses.

On Friday, May 29

SFIN heard an amendment to SB416 that provides procedures through the Public Utilities Commission for the timely return of land from decommissioned power plant sites to the host community for economic development, such as the closed Mojave Generating Plant in Laughlin. An introduction and explanation of the amendment was provided by the sponsor, along with a flow chart on electric utility surplus asset retirement and a table on FY15-16 taxable values and property tax benefits. This bill passed both Houses.

SED heard AB483, which revises provisions regarding performance pay for teachers. The bill requires each school board to annually reserve money for the payment of an increase in base salaries, not to exceed 10 percent, for not less than 5 percent of certain teachers and administrators employed by the school district. The bill eliminates the requirement that performance pay be collectively bargained and requires implementation of the program to take into account low-performing schools. The school districts opposed the measure as an unfunded mandate and indicated it would result in budget reductions. The Senate approved the bill.

AWM approved for introduction the bill draft requests (BDR) for three of the five major budget bills, which included the compensation Pay bill for State employees (AB489), Authorizations Act (AB490), and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Bill (AB491). In its overview briefing on the BDRs, LCB Fiscal staff noted that the budget bills are the culmination of 133 committee and subcommittee meetings by AWM over the course of the session, and their review and closings on 441 budget accounts. The Pay bill includes a one percent cost of living allowance (COLA) in the first year of the biennium for all State employees, and a two percent COLA in the second year. The Authorizations Act provides funding from fees, grants, Federal and various sources other than the State General Fund. The CIP bill includes 69 projects totaling $215.3 million for nine construction, 45 maintenance, three planning, and 12 statewide projects. SFIN also was briefed on these BDRs. All three bills passed both Houses.

On Saturday, May 30

The Assembly Committee of the Whole considered a proposed amendment to the Governor’s Nevada Revenue Plan (AB464) and heard substantial testimony for and against the amendment. The proposal includes three components: changes to the Business License Fee (BLF), changes to the Modified Business Tax (MBT), and a new Commerce Tax. The proposal would increase the BLF from $200 to $500 for corporations and retain the BLF at $200 for all other businesses such as sole-proprietors, partnerships, and LLCs. Under the original Nevada Revenue Plan, the rates would have been $500 for corporations and $300 for non-corporations. The changes proposed to the MBT are the same as under the original Nevada Revenue Plan. The quarterly exemption would be reduced from $85,000 to $50,000 and the tax rate would increase from 1.17 percent to 1.475 percent for all businesses except for financial institutions and mining, which would pay a tax rate of 2 percent. The Commerce Tax would apply to revenue exceeding $4 million instead of $3.5 million as proposed in the original plan. The tax rates are the same as the original plan and would vary by industry, ranging from 0.051 for mining to 0.331 percent for rail transportation. As with the original plan, there would be a credit against a tax payer’s MBT for 50 percent of the commerce tax paid in the preceding taxable year. The plan also includes a provision that allows the MBT tax rates to be reduced if combined revenue from the MBT and Commerce Tax exceed revenue estimates by more than 4 percent. The proposed amendment deletes provisions related to the Governmental Services Tax that were included in the original plan and adds provisions to increase various filing fees at the Secretary of State’s Office.

The Assembly, on Sunday night, adopted Amendment No. 1039  to SB483(R1), which is the Governor’s proposal to make permanent the “sunset” taxes, increase the cigarette tax, and make other tax reform changes. The amendment adds the Governor’s Nevada Revenue Plan to the bill as summarized above. The final bill also phases out the transfer of the governmental services tax to the General Fund so that 100 percent will go to the State Highway Fund by July 1, 2017.  Following debate, the Assembly passed, by a vote of 30-10, the amended measure. On Monday, the Senate concurred in the amendment on a roll call vote of 18-3.

AWM considered an amendment to AB394(R1), regarding reorganization of school districts. The amendment: (1) adds back a provision from the original bill that allows small school districts to consolidate through an interlocal agreement; (2) creates an advisory committee to develop a plan and recommendations to reorganize CCSD into local school precincts by the 2018-19 school year instead of the 2017-18 school year as originally proposed; (3) requires the advisory committee to study the distribution of Federal, State, and local funds and the impact of school precincts on public school financing; (4) provides the State Board of Education with the authority to decide when the plan can be implemented; (5) requires the advisory committee to report to the 2017 Legislature with the results of the study and recommendations for legislation; and (6) adds additional members to the advisory committee to provide racial and ethnic diversity. The Clark County School District requested that the plan come back to the Legislature for review and approval in 2017 and expressed concern about the impact of the bill on its existing general obligation bonds.On Monday, June 1, the Committee further amended and approved the bill. The amendment includes the provisions shown above. However, in lieu of providing the State Board of Education with the authority to decide when the plan can be implemented, it requires the Department of Education to approve regulations to implement the plan not later than the 2018-19 school year. These regulations will be subject to approval by the Legislative Commission. The amendment also requires the advisory committee to be appointed by January 1, 2016 and requires the plan and study to be completed by January 1, 2017. Both the Assembly and Senate passed AB394 on Monday, June 1.

AWM amended and approved AB445(R1), which requires 18 percent of redevelopment revenues to be set aside for education facilities in return for extending the maximum term of the redevelopment plan from 30 to 45 years. This would help mitigate the loss of revenues school districts would experience from extension of a redevelopment plan. The amendment limits these provisions to redevelopment projects in the City of Henderson. The bill passed both Houses.

AWM/SFIN, meeting separately, received overview briefings from LCB Fiscal staff concerning the BDR for the K-12 Education Finance and Distributive School Account bill (SB515).  Under the measure, the statewide average basic support guarantee will be $5,710 per pupil in FY 2016, with amounts ranging from $5,512 in Clark County to $24,331 per pupil in Esmeralda County. In FY 2017, the statewide average basic support guarantee will be $5,774, ranging from $5,573 in Clark County to $24,825 in Esmeralda. The bill contains the appropriations approved by AWM and SFIN for the Governor’s major education initiatives, including full day kindergarten, Zoom Schools, Victory Schools, Read by 3, technology, and career technical education. It also includes $5 million per year for incentives for new teachers. This amount is in addition to the $5 million per year for teacher incentives provided in the SB511. SFIN approved the BDR for introduction. The bill was passed by both Houses.

On Sunday, May 31

AWM/SFIN, meeting separately, received overview briefings from LCB Fiscal staff concerning the BDR for the Appropriations Act (SB514) which provides General and Highway Fund financing for the operations of State Government in the 2015-2017 biennium. The measure reflects the appropriation amounts for most State departments and agencies, including a variety of back-language provisions and instructions, which were approved during the budget closings. It also includes $18.4 million in supplemental appropriations requested for the new UNLV Medical School that were not included in the Governor’s budget. The General Fund amounts are $2.2 billion in FY15-16 and $2.267 billion in FY16-17, for a total of approximately $4.4 billion in the biennium. Highway Fund appropriations are $140.1 million in FY15-16 and $142.7 million in FY 16-17, for a biennium total of $282.8 million. SFIN approved the BDR for introduction. The bill passed both houses on Monday.

SED considered and approved AB221(R2), which makes various changes concerning policies governing data which includes information about pupils that is maintained by the Department of Education. The bill passed both Houses.

AED considered and approved SB460(R2) regarding alternative and charter schools. The bill: (1) provides an alternative performance framework to evaluate certain schools which serve certain populations; (2) requires the statewide system of accountability to include a method to distribute the $2.5 million in annual school turnaround grants included in the proposed budget; (3) revises provisions relating to the revocation or termination of charter schools; and (4) prohibits the Department of Education from considering a charter school’s 2014-15 accountability rating when imposing consequences. The Assembly passed the bill on Monday.

On Monday, June 1

SFIN heard and approved AB278(R1), which addresses the class size reduction program. The bill requires the Department of Education to develop certain policies, procedures and guidance related to class-size reduction and requires the Legislative Auditor to conduct an audit concerning how each school district used its class size reduction funding during the 2013-2015 biennium.  The Senate later passed the bill.

The Senate amended and passed AB172(R2) relating to public works. The amendment revised provisions pertaining to the prevailing wage and, along with other procedural changes, restored the use of prevailing wage on school construction projects at a 90 percent rate for those over a $250,000 threshold. This measure repealed the provisions of SB119, enacted early in the session, which exempted school construction projects from prevailing wage requirements. The Assembly concurred in the amendment.

Floor Actions (Seventeenth Week)

On Tuesday, May 26, the Assembly suspended paragraph 4, Rule 57, of its Standing Rules (AR1), which requires committees to wait for 24 hours after a hearing before taking action on a bill. Other rules were suspended on the floor as necessary to speed action on bills during the last week of the regular session.

On Saturday, May 30, the Assembly introduced its major budget bills: AB489, the compensation Pay bill for State employees; AB490, the Authorizations Act; and AB491, the Capital Improvements Program bill. These measures were passed by the Assembly on Sunday, and by the Senate on Monday.

On Sunday, May 31, the Senate introduced the other two major budget bills: SB514, the Appropriations Act to finance the operations of State Government from the General and Highway Funds, which by rule had to be held for 24 hours before final action in the House of origin; and SB515, the K-12 Education Finance bill, which by the Constitution had to be the first budget bill passed by both Houses. SB515 passed the Senate on Sunday, and the bills passed both Houses on Monday.

On Sunday, as previously described, the Assembly amended and passed SB483(R2), which is the Governor’s comprehensive, compromise tax reform measure to provide the major additional revenues necessary to finance the 2015-2017 Executive Budget as approved by the Legislature. On Monday, June 1, the Senate concurred in the amendment and transmitted the bill to the Governor for signature.

During the session, the Governor has five days after delivery to sign, veto, or allow a bill to become law without his signature. Measures delivered with less than five days remaining or after the Legislature has adjourned must be acted upon by the Governor within 10 days after sine die, not counting the day of delivery or Sundays.

NOTE: As of publication of this Update, many of the bills highlighted above under Committee and Floor Actions passed both Houses as noted and are pending action in the Governor’s Office.

Bills Signed by the Governor

As of the end of the regular session on June 1, 315 bills had passed both Houses and were signed by the Governor. Chapter numbers are assigned based on the order in which the measures are signed by the Governor, for subsequent publication in the Statutes of Nevada, 2015. Selected major enacted, enrolled, and signed bills include the following [by categories and Chapter (Ch) numbers]:

Budget Measures

AB505, Ch. 35, suspension of agency benefit collections in May and June, 2015, to help address current budget shortfall, eff. May 6, 2015.

SB473, Ch. 90, grants management procedures, eff. July 1, 2015.

SB429, Ch.186, supplemental appropriation to DSA for shortfall due to K-12 enrollment increases, eff. May 25, 2015.

SB490, Ch. 271, transfer of $28 million from Rainy Day Fund to help address the current budget shortfall, eff. May 28, 2015.

Tax/Revenue Measures

AB57, Ch. 124, taxation of direct mail purchases to conform with the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement, eff. July 1, 2015.

AB380, Ch. 219, collection of sales taxes from out-of-state retailers, eff. Jul. 1 & Oct. 1, 2015.

Economic Development and Related Measures

AB17, Ch.158, nonprofit entity for economic development purposes, eff. Jul 1, 2015.

SB74, Ch.227, partial abatement of taxes for new or expanding businesses, eff. Jul. 1, 2015.

SB94, Ch.232, transferable tax credits for film and other productions, eff. Jul. 1, 2015.

Education Measures

SB207, Ch. 4, bond rollover for school construction, eff. Mar. 4, 2015.

SB119, Ch. 5, bond rollover and repeal of prevailing wage for school construction, eff. Mar. 6, 2015.

SB101, Ch. 11, reemployment of school district employees, eff. Mar. 19, 2015.

AB165, Ch. 22, NV Educational Choice Scholarship Program, eff. Apr. 13, 2015.

SB205, Ch. 44, model plan for schools to respond to a crisis or emergency, eff. July 1, 2015.

SB504, Ch. 115, bullying and cyber-bullying in public schools, eff. July 1, 2015.

SB212, Ch. 118, pupil discipline and prohibited acts at public schools, eff. July 1, 2015.

AB112, Ch. 189, safe and respectful learning environment in public schools, eff. Oct. 1, 2015.

AB107, Ch. 204, reports of accountability on free and reduced-price lunch pupils for public schools, eff. Jan. 1, 2016; Jul. 1, 2015 for regulations.

AB150, Ch. 207, revises Gov. Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program, eff. Jul. 1, 2015.

SB208, Ch. 238, notice to parents on charter school enrollments, eff. Jul. 1, 2015.

SB313, Ch. 252, distance education program for profoundly gifted students at private or university schools, eff. Jul. 1, 2015.

AB166, Ch. 291, establishment of State Seal of Biliteracy Program, eff. Jul. 1, 2015.

AB205, Ch. 292, Legislative Committee on Education to consider matters relating to certain mentorship programs, eff. Jul. 1, 2015.

Mental Health and Medical Licensing Measures

SB35, Ch.223, enacts the Interstate Compact on Mental Health, eff. May 27, 2015.

SB251, Ch. 244, ratifies the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, eff. Oct. 1, 2015.

Other Measures

AB125, Ch. 2, relating to constructional defects, effective Feb. 24, 2015.

SB459, Ch. 26, establishes an opioid overdose prevention policy for Nevada, eff. Oct. 1, 2015.

SB158, Ch. 84, public information before approval of local government collective bargaining agreement, eff. July 1, 2015.

AB162, Ch. 147, portable event recording devices by law enforcement, eff. Jan. 16, 2015.

SB242, Ch.241, requires payday lenders to use best practices, eff. Oct. 1, 2015.

SB457, Ch. 260, creates NV High-Speed Rail Authority, eff. May 27, 2015.

AB175, Ch. 278, regulates transportation network companies (TNC) and imposes 3 percent fare fee, various eff. dates beginning May 29, 2015.

AB176, Ch. 279, regulation of TNC’s to the Nevada Transportation Authority, various eff. dates beginning May 29, 2015.

SB241, Ch. 315, revises provisions relating to collective bargaining, eff. Jun. 1, 2015.

Resolutions Enacted

Selected resolutions enrolled and delivered to the Secretary of State as of June 1 are as follows. The proposed constitutional amendments must be approved in identical form by the 2017 Legislature and adopted by the voters in the 2018 General Election.

SJR11, File No. 20, proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to preserve the right to hunt, trap and fish in this State.

SJR1, File No. 30, urges Congress to transfer certain public lands to the State.

SJR2, File No. 31, urges Congress to share federal receipts from commercial activity on certain public lands.

SJR4, File No. 32, urges Congress to enact Marketplace Fairness Act.

AJR8, File No. 36, proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to require approval of certain initiative measures by a two-thirds vote (initiatives that create, generate, or increase public revenue).

SJR17, File No. 37, proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to expand the rights guaranteed to victims of crime