Guinn Center Legislative Update: March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015

Halfway Point and Salary Cutoff

Thursday, April 2nd, marks the 60th day and halfway point of the 120-day limit on the length of the regular 2015 legislative session. That date also is notable because it is the last day on which legislators will receive a salary. That compensation is set by statute, tied to any across-the-board increases for classified State employees, and currently stands at $146.29 per day, or $8,777.40 for the biennial legislative session. Article 4, Section 33 of the Nevada Constitution limits the payment of legislator salaries to not more than 60 days in a regular session, and not to exceed 20 days during any special session.

Article 4, Section 29 of the Constitution originally limited the length of regular sessions to 60 days. By the middle of the 20th century, the Legislature regularly encountered difficulties completing its business within that limit and various strategies were used to extend its length. Article 29 was repealed by the voters in the 1958 General Election with the overwhelming adoption of Question 3. The official explanation on this ballot question for the repeal noted that “The purpose is to eliminate the dilemma of covering the clock on the sixtieth day and continuing the session thereafter as though the sixtieth day had not yet passed.” At the same election in 1958, the voters adopted a closely related constitutional amendment to Section 33 to limit the payment of salaries to 60 days, which remains unchanged today, despite several previous and continuing legislative efforts to amend it.

Legislators continue to receive payments for travel and per diem (at the current Federal rate of $148 per day for Carson City), and certain other lesser allowances, for the remainder of the session. (See page 130 in Chapter II of the 2015 Legislative Manual for a more detailed explanation of “Legislator Compensation and Allowances.”)


By the end of the eighth week, 486 Assembly bills and 509 Senate bills had been introduced. Of the total 995 bills introduced in the Legislature by the end of the eighth week, 421 were committee introductions that essentially are controlled by the majority party in each House, and 574 were introduced by individual Legislators.

The bills introduced by Legislators may be co-sponsored by other lawmakers. An indicator of bipartisanship is the number of bills that attract co-sponsors from the other party. Among the current, total 574 legislator bills, 123 (21.4 percent) were bipartisan in that they included one or more co-sponsors from the opposite party. Among the 294 Senate bills in that category, 51 (17.3 percent) were bipartisan.  Among the similar 280 Assembly bills, there were 72 (25.7 percent) that featured bipartisan support.

Abbreviations Guide

Committee Hearings and Actions (Eighth Week)

On Monday, March 23

AWM and SFIN, meeting separately, approved the same first budget closings of the session. These staff closings included the budgets of the Governor’s Washington D.C. Office, Lieutenant Governor, Ethics Commission, and certain budgets of the Attorney General and Treasurer. (See the March 23 Legislative Update for an explanation of the closing process.)

AED amended and approved AB206, which requires notices to parents regarding health or bullying to include a list of any resources that may be available in the community to assist the pupil, including resources available at no or reduced cost. The amendment clarifies that school districts that send lists with the notice are not responsible for ensuring that the pupil receives resources. The Committee also heard three other bills: AB218, AB221, and AB395. Assemblywoman Benitez Thompson provided a presentation of AB218, which relates to emergencies in schools. Key provisions include requiring school and charter boards to consult with the Division of Emergency Management of the Department of Public Safety before engaging in capital facilities projects; requiring school districts in Clark and Washoe to appoint an emergency manager; requiring the Department of Education to conduct an annual conference regarding safety in public schools; requiring school and charter boards to provide drills to instruct pupils concerning lockdown procedures; and requiring a licensed social worker employed by schools to provide certain services. The Committee also heard AB221, which makes various changes to policies governing pupil data that is maintained by the Department of Education. Assemblyman Randy Kirner (R-Reno) presented an amendment based on work with stakeholders. Lastly, the Committee heard AB395, which exempts the State Public Charter School Authority from the State Budget Act, meaning that its budget would not be reviewed or approved by the Executive Department and the State Legislature.

The Senate Committee of the Whole conducted its final hearing on SB252, the Governor’s proposed Business License Fee. The question and answer session continued with Applied Analysis, the Director of the Department of Taxation, and the Governor’s Deputy Chief of Staff, and the focus was on responses to the questions posed by the Nevada Taxpayers Association. A handout also listed examples of subtractions from gross revenue for purposes of calculating the proposed Business License Fee.

On Tuesday, March 24

AJUD considered AB239 to regulate operators of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in the State. It is sponsored by Assemblyman Elliott Anderson (D-LV) with bipartisan co-sponsors. A section breakdown of the bill and a UAV State Law Comparison were provided by the sponsor. The bill received significant testimony in support and opposition, and numerous Exhibits were submitted to include certain research studies, a GOED presentation, and four proposed amendments. Other changes were suggested in testimony and the sponsor committed to working with all interested parties on an amended version.

AJUD also heard AB337 to revise provisions governing the dissolution and annulment of marriage by eliminating the six-week residency requirement. The intent is to help facilitate the process for uncontested cases and possibly increase fees for local governments. There was no opposition. Additionally, the Committee reviewed AB244 to provide an enhanced penalty for committing three or more graffiti offenses. Testimony on that measure included a paper from the Clark County Public Defender’s Office that highlighted the fiscal impacts and effects of recent and projected prisoner population growth statistics in Nevada. The paper included a list of 31 current bills under consideration by the Legislature that would provide for new crimes and/or enhanced penalties, along with 12 bills that would remove crimes or establish lesser penalties.

AGA heard AB410 to require proportionate population representation among the rural and two most populous regions of Nevada for seven major State boards and commissions. Those bodies are the State Public Works Board, Commission on Tourism, Nevada Tax Commission, State Board of Education, NDOT Board, Gaming Commission, and Real Estate Commission. The measure comes from the Southern Nevada Forum and is sponsored by Assemblywoman Heidi Swank (D-LV) who provided detailed testimony on the current approaches and problems with the appointment criteria. It also included the existing and proposed apportionments for the designated boards and commissions in the bill. The sponsor proposed an amendment relating to the Transportation Board. Gaming Commission member (and former State Senator) Randolph Townsend provided information on the effects of the proposal on the Commission and referenced its fiscal note. He also pointed out the difficulties that Governors often have with finding willing and qualified appointees.

ATAX considered AB399 which directs the Office of Economic Development to create a pilot program to encourage the growth of existing businesses in this State through the use of information and technology. The sponsor, Assemblywoman Dina Neal (D-NLV), provided a presentation on economic development related to the bill, and submitted a proposed amendment to limit the pilot program to Clark County. Similar to SB182 (heard in SREV on March 12), the bill includes a $300,000 appropriation (not in the Governor’s proposed budget) to NSHE for the participating higher education centers to finance a geographic information system, staff and other services.

ATAX also heard AB372 that restores an economic development tax credit for the home office of insurance companies, and AB391 to provide an exemption from property taxes for undeveloped property used for religious worship.

ALOE heard AB289, which would require an interim study of the feasibility of creating a regional mental health governance structure. The Guinn Center provided testimony in support of the bill based on its report Mental Health Governance: A Review of State Models & Guide for Nevada Decision Makers.

SREV considered SB378, the Democratic proposal for tax reform that establishes a Supplemental Revenue Fee based on gross receipts and eliminates the Modified Business Tax. Senator Pat Spearman (D-NLV) made a presentation that covered its main objectives of good tax policy (simple, stable and broad based), highlighted the plan, provided examples, and specified its revenue estimates. The Guinn Center provided testimony that showed the impact of the Supplemental Revenue Fee compared with other current and previous tax proposals, along with its observations and options for consideration. A question and answer period followed with comparisons and observations made by Applied Analysis between SB378 and SB252, the Governor’s proposed plan. The hearing concluded with opposition testimony from the same organizations that oppose SB252.

SED heard three bills. The Committee amended and approved SB236, which would make changes to the STEM Advisory Council.  The bill requires the Council to meet at least six times each year, with two of the meetings to be held in person; and requires the Council to establish events to recognize pupils who demonstrate exemplary achievement in STEM fields. Senator Woodhouse (D-Clark) offered a friendly amendment to allow the Department of Education to accept gifts, grants, bequests and donations to fund the activities of the Council.  The Committee heard SB418 which changes the existing refund requirements for students who cancel their enrollment in a private postsecondary institution before classes begin. Lastly, the Committee heard SB414, which encourages the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to enter into a reciprocal agreement with the State of California to provide full waivers of nonresident tuition to certain residents of the Lake Tahoe Basin.

On Wednesday, March 25

SFIN began hearing individual, usually non-controversial, supplemental appropriations bills to account for shortfalls or unexpected projected costs in the current Fiscal Year 2014-2015. These and other one-shot appropriation measures affect the current and proposed budgets, may be adjusted when further information becomes available, and usually are passed and/or amended later in the session.

The supplemental appropriations bills heard on this date included (1) SB469 for $588,000 from the General Fund to the Supreme Court for an unanticipated shortfall from the collection of administrative assessments; (2) SB427 for $169,000 from the General Fund to the Office of the Attorney General for projected extradition charges; and (3) SB470 for a total of $375,307 from the State Highway Fund to the DMV for projected costs for print on demand services, personnel, and electronic payments and printing. The Committee also heard SB467, a one-shot appropriation bill for the next biennium for a total $8,017,004 from the State Highway Fund to the Nevada Highway Patrol to replace 156 fleet vehicles that have exceeded the mileage threshold (generally 125,000 miles) and purchase seven new motorcycles for use in Clark County. Opposition was expressed due to concerns with the funds from that source not being available for highway construction projects.

AJUD heard AB258 to exempt certain offers or sales of securities from registration requirements. The sponsor, Assemblywoman Irene Bustamante Adams (D-LV), provided an amendment and remarks, with a section by section explanation, indicating the purpose of the bill is to provide equity crowdfunding by Nevada companies in utilizing an intrastate exemption from Federal securities rules. A handout furnishes information on business crowdfunding, other state’s exemptions, and how this investment mechanism works for small businesses.

AHHS received presentations from Nevada Medicaid and numerous medical and behavioral health networks and providers relating to access to health care in the State, along with network access and availability. The Division of Health Care Financing and Policy highlighted the reduction of the uninsured rate in Nevada from 23 to 11 percent due to the Affordable Care Act, and the expansion of Medicaid and their actions to address access to care. The other managed care and network organizations emphasized the challenges and their ongoing efforts and solutions to deal with the shortages of physicians and specialty medical professionals, including psychiatrists and substance abuse counselors in the behavioral health field, throughout the State and particularly in the northern and rural areas of Nevada. The brief presentations were from the Health Care Guidance Program, Health Plan of Nevada, Amerigroup, Anthem, Renown/Hometown Health, Southwest Medical Associates, and Nevada Health Co-Op.

AED heard five bills: AB339, AB351, AB285, AB278, and AB328.

AB339 allows school boards to include a combination of elected and appointed members. The Guinn Center presented testimony based on its report, Examining Nevada’s Education Priorities: Which Initiatives are Worth the Investment?, which cites research showing that there is no significant difference in student achievement for elected vs. appointed school boards.

AB351 expands which charter schools can access bond financing through the State to schools with three, four, or five stars under the Nevada School Performance Framework. Under current law, a school must have four or five stars. It also removes the prevailing wage requirement for projects funded with these bonds.

AB285 allows pupils to self-administer prescribed medications for diabetes under certain circumstances. The Clark County School District submitted an amendment to address safety issues and ensure immunity for the school district.

AB278 requires the Department of Education to develop policies and procedures for monitoring of the Class Size Reduction program and to develop guidance for school districts. It also requires the Department to communicate expectations for the use of funds.

AB328 revises provisions related to due process hearings for pupils with disabilities. The bill requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to select a hearing officer from a list provided by the Hearings Division of the Department of Administration; requires the Department of Education to designate an employee to provide training to hearing officers; and requires the Department of Education to post certain information relating to hearings on its Internet website.

ACL heard AB182, which would make changes to collective bargaining for public employees in local agencies. Key provisions include: (1) prohibiting a local government employer from entering into an agreement to pay dues to an employee organization through deductions from compensation; (2) prohibiting such an employer from providing paid leave or paying compensation or benefits for time spent by an employee in providing services to an employee organization; (3) prohibiting supervisors and administrators from engaging in collective bargaining; (4) revising provisions relating to a reduction in force by giving the public authority more discretion in personnel decisions; (5) providing that when a collective bargaining agreement between a local government employer and a recognized employee organization expires, certain terms cannot be extended until a new contract is approved; (6) requiring public notice of certain offers made in collective bargaining; (7) eliminating final and binding fact-finding except upon the election of the governing body; (8) removing a portion of the budgeted ending fund balance of certain governmental funds from the scope of collective bargaining and from consideration by a fact finder; and (9) eliminating statutory impasse arbitration for firefighters, police officers, teachers and educational support personnel. Various business groups supported the bill while unions and several local government officials expressed opposition to the measure. (See Exhibits for submitted documentation.)

On Thursday, March 26

SFIN reviewed four supplemental and other appropriations bills. SB428 makes a one-shot appropriation of a total $2,934,026 from the General Fund to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) for the replacement of emergency response, firefighting, and other critical equipment and vehicles for the Division of Forestry, which provided a presentation on the need. SB486 makes a supplemental appropriation of a total $326,287 from the General Fund to DCNR for unanticipated employee retirement buyouts and terminal leave payments. SB429 makes a supplemental appropriation of $77,704,344 from the General Fund to the State Distributive School Account for a shortfall resulting from an unanticipated increase in K-12 enrollment for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years, which may be adjusted later in the session. And SB497 makes appropriations from the General Fund to restore balances for the next biennium in the amounts of $2.5 million to the Stale Claims Account; $500,000 to the Emergency Account; $5 million to the Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account; and $12 million to the Contingency Account.

AWM reviewed a one-shot and four supplemental appropriations bills from the General Fund. SB437 makes a supplemental appropriation of $1 million to the Reserve for Statutory Contingency Fund. AB438 is a one-shot appropriation of $259,928 to the Division of Forestry for certain termination costs for eliminated positions within the Intergovernmental All-Risk Fire Management Program. AB440 makes a supplemental appropriation of $33,308 to the Commission on Postsecondary Education for the costs of a one-time terminal leave payment for an unanticipated retirement. AB441 appropriates $35,000 to the State Controller’s Office for the costs of a one-time terminal leave payment for an unanticipated retirement. Lastly, AB442 appropriates $25,887 to the Lieutenant Governor’s Office for projected payroll and other costs associated with the 2015 session.

SCL in work session amended and approved SB242 to adopt certain provisions of the Community Financial Services Association (CFSA) of America’s best practices for the payday loan industry. The amendment from the CFSA removes check cashing services from the bill and makes other conforming and technical changes.

SREV in work session reviewed an amendment to SB252, the Governor’s Business License Fee proposal. The changes were highlighted by the Director of the Department of Taxation, and they included a preamble to address concerns about the bill’s connection to education reform and other certain revisions suggested in previous hearings. No action was taken to allow time for the members to review the amendment. The Committee then heard SB483, the Governor’s proposal that makes permanent most of the “sunset” taxes, including the Modified Business Tax (MBT) on nonfinancial institutions and the local school support tax. The measure also increases the MBT on mining to two percent, increases the cigarette tax from 80 cents to $1.20 per pack, addresses the prepayment mechanism and insurance deduction for the Net Proceeds of Minerals, and continues the depreciation provisions on the Governmental Services Tax with the proceeds going to the General Fund for the next two years, after which they will return to the State Highway Fund. The Governor’s staff presented their projected revenues for the bill at a total of approximately $879 million for the biennium, with $502 million for the General Fund and $376 million going to the Distributive School Account.

SED conducted a work session on three bills: SB178, SB208, and SB418.

The Committee amended and approved SB178, which relates to physical education. In lieu of requiring that pupils receive 30 minutes of physical education per day, the amendment encourages school districts to provide not less than 75 minutes per school week of physical activity to pupils in grades 1 to 5. The amendment also removes any new requirement to provide physical education or to create standards for physical education, and removes a provision requiring the Division of Public and Behavioral Health to compile, publish, and disseminate a report of the results of the height and weight sample taken in Clark and Washoe County School Districts. Senator Lipparelli (R-Clark) voted against the measure.

The Committee amended and approved SB208, which requires notice to parents when a new or expanding charter school will begin accepting applications. The amendment has several key provisions: (1) reduce the timeframe for which the notice must be provided from 90 days to 45 days; (2) reduce the radius of the notification area from three miles to two miles but allow flexibility in cases of insufficient population density; (3) authorize charter schools with an approved enrollment of fewer than 250 students, across all locations, to develop an alternative outreach plan in consultation with its sponsor; and (4) clarifies that enrollment lotteries can be held no earlier than 45 days after the school begins accepting applications.

The Committee amended and approved SB418, which changes the existing refund requirements for students who cancel their enrollment in a private postsecondary institution before classes begin.  As amended, there would be a limit on the amount of fees that could be retained by the institution of 10% or $150, whichever is less.  The institution may withhold any amount designated as nonrefundable in materials provided to potential applicants.

SED also heard three bills: SB432, SB77, and SB 226.

SB432 would create a new program called Victory Schools, which would target zip codes with high poverty levels. Based on our report, Examining Nevada’s Education Priorities: Which Initiatives are Worth the Investment?, the Guinn Center provided testimony..

SB77 is proposed by the Nevada Department of Education and would allow school districts to create Turnaround Schools and Turnaround Plans for 78 schools that have been identified by the Department of Education as chronically underperforming schools. The Department provided a comprehensive amendment. As proposed to be amended, if a Turnaround School that is not making adequate improvement, the State Board of Education can take action to: (1) extend the Turnaround Plan; (2) require the school district to close and restart under contract with an education management organization or charter management organization; (3) transport the students to a higher performing school; (4) require the board of trustees to enter into a contract with an educational management organization to operate the school; or (5) convert the school to a charter school.

SB226 authorizes teacher unions to provide professional development training to teachers and administrators. The Committee requested clarification about whether teacher unions can already do this under current law.

On Friday, March 27

SFIN heard three bills to shore up the 2015 ending balance budget shortfall. SB490 delays until July 1, 2016, the commencement of transfers to the Account to Stabilize the Operation of State Government, also known as the Rainy Day Fund, and transfers the current balance in the fund of $28,061,106 to the General Fund. SB505 implements a two month assessment holiday for the employer portion of state employee health insurance premiums which allows approximately $17.5 million for the General Fund to assist with mitigating the 2015 shortfall. SB506 provides for the transfer of money, or sweeps, in various accounts and funds for unrestricted General Fund use, and a detailed list of the accounts, amounts and descriptions was provided of the 35 proposed sweeps totaling almost $85 million.

SREV rolled its scheduled work session on SB252, the Governor’s proposed tax reform, and two other bills, to the next meeting due to the excused absence of a committee member. The Committee heard SB317 to revise provisions of the Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, which authorizes tax credits for certain businesses to use against the insurance premium tax in exchange for investing in a qualified community development entity. The measure is requested by the City of Las Vegas to expand the program and allow larger businesses to have access to the process. An amendment was proposed with other changes in development.

AED heard AB448, which would create the Achievement School District (ASD). The ASD would be a statewide school district that uses charter school operators to run certain low performing schools. A list of 78 schools are eligible to go into the ASD, but only a few would initially become part of the ASD. Based on our report, Examining Nevada’s Education Priorities: Which Initiatives are Worth the Investment?, the Guinn Center testified about the impact on student achievement of similar initiatives in other states and the effectiveness of alternative models. The Clark County School District provided a list of questions that should be addressed through the legislation.

SED heard three bills: SB313, SB338, and SB390. SB313 authorizes the governing body of a private school to develop and provide a program of distance education, and authorizes a university school for profoundly gifted pupils (the Davidson Academy) to associate and enter into an agreement with a private school to develop curriculum for a program of distance education provided by the private school. A friendly amendment was provided to allow the Davidson Academy and private schools to provide programs of distance education without complying with certain provisions in current law and to delete provisions for the Davidson Academy and a private school to associate and enter into agreements for developing curriculum, since nothing in current law would preclude this.

SB338 requires the Attorney General to establish the Safe-to-Tell Program to enable anonymous reporting of dangerous, violent or unlawful activity in or at a public school. The Committee heard a presentation of a similar program in Colorado.

SB390 revises provisions relating to charter schools. The bill expands existing preferences for enrollment and allows a charter school to give an enrollment preference to a child who is enrolled in a public school that is more than 25 percent over intended capacity. This bill also requires the Department of Education to maintain and post a list of each public school that is over its intended capacity and the associated percentage.

Floor Actions (Eighth Week)

With the deadline for committees’ bill introductions on Monday, March 23, both Houses conducted lengthy floor sessions to accomplish the total 152 introductions on that day—89 committee bills in the Senate and 63 in the Assembly. (More on the deadlines in the next Legislative Update.) The remaining floor sessions this week were brief, dealt with routine matters, and included no further bill introductions.

As of the end of the eighth week, 14 bills had passed both Houses and were signed by the Governor. Chapter numbers are assigned based on the order in which the measures are signed by the Governor. Major enacted bills include the following:

AB125, Chapter 2, relating to constructional defects, effective Feb. 24, 2015.

SB207, Chapter 4, bond rollover for school construction, effective Mar. 4, 2015.

SB119, Chapter 5, bond rollover and repeal of prevailing wage for school construction, effective Mar. 6, 2015.

SB101, Chapter 11, reemployment of school district employees, effective Mar. 19, 2015.

Ninth Week’s Committee Schedule (Monday, March 30—Friday, April 3, 2015)

Please note that committee meetings are added, particularly toward the end of the week, and agendas frequently are changed. Check the Calendar of Meetings or NELIS regularly for such additions and changes as the week progresses. Some highlighted meetings and selected bills currently scheduled for the ninth week are as follows.

On Monday, March 30

AGA (8 am) hears AB312 relating to the minimum age for retirement in the Public Employees’ Retirement System, and AB387 concerning the calculation of years of service and use of service credits in the State’s retirement systems.

SFIN and AWM (8 am), meeting separately, will close certain budgets of the Department of Administration, Commission on Postsecondary Education, and the Office of the Military.

SCL (8:30 am) considers SB439 to provide for the permitting and regulation by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada of transportation network companies, such as Uber; and SB440 relating to insurance for transportation network companies.

ACL (1:30 pm) hears AB292 to revise provisions relating to health care providers who offer telehealth services and insurance coverage for such services.

AED (3:15 pm) considers AB394, regarding break-up and consolidation of school districts.

SLOE (3:30 pm) hears several elections and voter registration bills that contain some similar provisions. SB203 relates to election day voter registration and electronic access and documentation; SB331 establishes electronic procedures for voter registration by the DMV; SB237 authorizes counties to establish polling places where any voters may cast their ballots and allows election day voter registration; and SB316 allows registration during early voting, election day registration, pre-registration by persons 17 years of age, and the distribution of sample ballots by electronic mail.

U.S. Representative Joe Heck is scheduled to address the Legislature at 5 pm in the Assembly Chamber.

On Tuesday, March 31

STRN (8:30 am) hears SB502 that creates the Revolving Account for System Modernization within DMV, makes a $40 million appropriation to the Account to upgrade the Department’s information technology platform, and authorizes it to assess a $1 technology fee on certain transactions.

ANRAM receives a staff overview presentation on the Interim Legislative Committee on Public Lands, and hears AB408 that enacts restrictive provisions governing the acquisition and use of certain public lands and water rights by the Federal Government.

ATAX (1 pm) hears AB313 to provide for a ticket fee and establish a medical expense account for retired contestants who engaged in unarmed combat for remuneration; AB451 to revise provisions relating to the UNLV Campus Improvement Authority; and AB452 that revises provisions governing appeals of property tax assessments.

SNR (1:30 pm) considers SB305 to authorize industrial cannabis farming in this State under certain circumstances.

ALOE (3:00 pm) hears AJR10, a proposal to amend the Nevada Constitution to provide a citizen’s commission to establish the salaries of the Constitutional Officers, legislators, judges and county elected officials in the State.

SED (3:30 pm) considers SB295 relating to education that includes provisions concerning teacher professional development and a requirement for the Department of Education to maintain an internet website on career pathways in STEM for high schools.

SREV (3:30 pm) hears SB334 that provides for a ballot question to amend the Sales and Use Tax to exempt the sales of certain durable medical equipment, mobility enhancing equipment, hearing aids and accessories, and ophthalmic or ocular devices or appliances from the tax. The Committee’s work session includes SB252, the Governor’s Business License Fee proposal.

SED/AED (5 pm) has a joint meeting to hear SB204 providing protections from bullying in public schools, and SB504 relating to a safe and respectful learning environment in public schools.

On Wednesday, April 1

SFIN/AWM (8 am) in its Subcommittee on Human Services closes certain DHHS budgets for the Director’s office and the Division of Public and Behavioral Health.

AED (3:15 pm) hears AB 303 to revise provisions governing academic standards in public schools, and AB341 that mandates screening and intervention for children with certain disabilities.

SLOE (3:30 pm) considers SB499 to create a modified blanket primary election system.

On Thursday, April 2

SED (3:30 pm) considers SB399 to create the Nevada Boost Grant Program, SB460 to revise provisions related to the statewide system of accountability for public schools, SB461 to provide for an individual graduation plan to allow certain public high school pupils to remain enrolled for an additional period to work towards graduation, and SB463 to revise provisions relating to education and pertains to personally identifiable information.

SREV (3:30 pm) is scheduled to hear SB266 to revise provisions relating to the live entertainment tax, and to conduct a work session on SB125 to make changes concerning recruiting, retaining, stabilizing and expanding regional commercial air service in this State.

On Friday, April 3

SFIN/AWM (8 am) meeting separately has closings on certain budgets of the Departments of Education, Agriculture, and Business and Industry.

ACL (1;30 pm) hears AB318 relating to financial services to require that deferred deposit, high-interest, refund anticipation, and title loans to current or former members of the military must conform to the Federal Military Lending Act.

SREV (3:30 pm) considers SB412 to provide for a credit against taxes imposed on certain employers that make a matching contribution to certain college savings plans.

Upcoming Events

U.S. Senator Dean Heller is scheduled to address the Legislature on Monday, April 6, at 5:00 pm in the Assembly Chamber.

U.S. Representative Cresent Hardy is scheduled to address the Legislature on Wednesday, April 8, at 5:00 pm in the Assembly Chamber.

The State of the Judiciary address is scheduled for Wednesday, April 15, at 5 pm in the Assembly Chamber.